We all know that maintaining a good credit score is important if you want to keep your financial health safe or get a mortgage.

A good credit score can pretty much open doors for you with better interest rates and fairer loan terms, while a poor score can make borrowing money a lot harder and more expensive. 

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most common credit score issues that most of us face and how a finance broker in Melbourne can help you get over these issues.

Common Credit Score Problems

Even if credit scores are important, maintaining a perfect score is not that easy. 

Here are some of the most common credit score issues and how your mortgage broker can help you fix them.

1. Low Credit Score

Low credit scores are scary and can happen easily if you’re constantly late with payments, have a high credit card balance, or often default on your payments.

Ti can seriously limit your options if you’re thinking of getting a loan or a mortgage in the future.

So, how do you get a better score?

Mortgage brokers in Melbourne can review your credit report to identify the specific issues dragging down your score.

They propose strategies to help you improve your score, like setting up payment reminders, consolidating debt, or disputing errors on your credit report. 

These brokers work closely with you to develop a plan tailored to your financial situation, ensuring that your score improves over time.

Credit Scores Didn’t Exist Until the 1950s, you’d have to sit down and talk with a banker before getting a loan. The process was subjective. If the banker didn’t like you or thought you were untrustworthy, you wouldn’t get approved. 

2. High Debt-to-Income Ratio

If you have a high debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, it tells banks and lenders that a major portion of your income goes toward repayment.

This makes lenders view you as a higher risk or a potential defaulter on loans.

Mortgage brokers can help you manage and reduce your DTI by proposing debt consolidation loans, refinancing high-interest debts, or advising on which debts to prioritize for repayment. 

Finding the best mortgage broker in Melbourne is important as they can help you negotiate better terms with your creditors, make your debt more manageable, and improve your overall DTI ratio.

3. Credit Report Errors

Are there some inaccuracies on your credit report? Things like incorrect personal info, accounts that don’t belong to you, or wrong account statuses, can greatly lower your credit score.

So, if you want to fix this, you need the help of a mortgage broker.

These professionals will help you through the process of  disputing these errors with the credit bureaus. 

They ensure your credit report accurately reflects your financial history, which is necessary for maintaining a healthy credit score.

4. Short Credit History

If this is your first time getting a loan or applying for a mortgage, having a limited credit history might make it difficult for lenders to gauge your creditworthiness.

This can oftentimes lead to higher interest rates or loan rejections.

The sign of the best mortgage broker in Melbourne is their suggestions to build credit, such as using secured credit cards, becoming an authorized user on someone else’s account, or taking small personal loans and repaying them on time. 

They help you establish a solid credit history that lenders can rely on.

5. Missed or Late Payments

Missing your payments or being constantly late on your loans or credit card bills can cause your credit score to fall, too.

And keeping on top of all these can be a bit of a headache too. 

But if you have the help of a broker, they can help you set up automated payments or reminders to make sure you pay all your dues on time. 

Besides, they can also negotiate with creditors for a more manageable repayment plan or to remove negative marks from your credit report after consistent on-time payments.

6. High Credit Utilization Rate

So, you’ve kept up with your payments, but you use your credit card too much, sometimes to its limit. 

This can also have a negative impact on your credit score as it tells the lenders that you’re more dependent on credit for your daily necessities.

Mortgage brokers or a finance broker in Melbourne can advise on ways to lower your credit utilization rate, like paying down your balances, increasing your credit limits, or strategically spreading balances across multiple cards.

7. Too Many Recent Credit Inquiries

Many of us look for a better deal on loans online but checking with multiple credit companies in a very short time might give lenders the wrong idea.

For each inquiry, the lending company will do a hard pull on your credit history and if you’ve made too many in a short time, this can indicate to the companies that you’re looking for credit recklessly.

A mortgage broker can help you strategically plan when and how to apply for credit to minimize the impact on your score. 

They also advise on consolidating credit applications within a short period to reduce the negative effect.

8. Public Records (Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, etc.)

Did you know that if you’ve ever experienced things like bankruptcies, foreclosures, or tax liens on your account, they all can be saved on a public record?

And this can be a bad thing for anyone. These records can stay on record for many years and will keep affecting your credit score till you can get them struck off.

Brokers assist you in rebuilding your credit post-bankruptcy or foreclosure by recommending secured credit cards, co-signed loans, or credit-builder loans. 

They provide advice on maintaining good credit practices moving forward.

9. Lack of Credit Diversity

Having only one type of credit account (e.g., only credit cards) can lower your credit score because it doesn’t show your ability to manage different types of credit.

Brokers suggest adding different types of credit, such as installment loans (car loans, personal loans) and revolving credit (credit cards), to improve your credit mix and boost your score.

10. Maxed-Out Credit Cards

Have you maxed out your credit card recently? 

Well, it can happen to all of us. There are times when you need to buy that new iPhone or pay an emergency medical bill.

But if you’re maxing your cards pretty often, this can show the lenders that you might be in a financially tough spot. This will definitely impact your credit score.

Brokers help create a debt repayment plan to pay down balances faster. They may also negotiate with creditors for lower interest rates or balance transfers to reduce your overall debt burden.

How Mortgage Brokers in Melbourne Support You?

Axton Finance is one of the best mortgage brokers in Melbourne,  well-versed in the local real estate market, and has strong relationships with various lenders. 

Their expertise and connections can be invaluable in improving your credit score and securing a mortgage.

1. Personalised Credit Assessment:

Brokers look at your unique financial situation and provide personalized advice to address your specific credit issues.

2. Access to Resources:

They have access to tools and resources that can help you track your credit score and monitor changes over time.

3. Negotiation Skills:

Brokers can negotiate with lenders on your behalf to get better terms, even if your credit score isn’t perfect.

4. Education and Guidance:

They educate you on good credit practices and guide you through the steps needed to improve your score.

5. Ongoing Support:

Mortgage brokers offer ongoing support and advice, ensuring you stay on the right track to maintaining a healthy credit score.

Good credit scores aren’t a golden ticket

Good credit scores aren’t a golden ticket. A lender may use information in your credit reports and other information included on your application, such as your income, to decide whether to grant you credit. 

Final Words

Addressing credit score issues is a must for securing a mortgage and achieving your homeownership dreams. Mortgage brokers in Melbourne provide invaluable support in navigating these challenges. 

They offer personalized advice, access to resources, negotiation skills, education, and ongoing support to help you improve your credit score and secure the best mortgage terms possible.

By partnering with a knowledgeable mortgage and finance broker in Melbourne, you can overcome credit score problems, making the home-buying process smoother and more successful. 

Remember, improving your credit score is a journey, but with the right advice and effort, it’s a journey you can successfully complete.

Choose Axton Finance for the best guidance on improving your credit score and getting an understanding of maintaining good credit throughout your life.